Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pineapple Cream

I am very excited today because this would be my 50-th post!! Initially photography or experimenting new dishes were my hobbies and never thought of starting a blog. Because I was bit skeptical if I would be able to spend enough time to continue once I start this. In first couple of months, I was posting the recipes without opening it up for readers. Finally when I gained some confidence and started loving blogging too, I made it public. It’s been two months since then and was very satisfying experience. I am receiving huge encouragement and constructive feedback from friends. I am really thankful to these friends and other readers, to inspire me to do some good works.

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As it is a celebration, so without some sweet or dessert, it’s not complete. When I came to USA, honestly speaking I was a novice in making any dessert. Then slowly started learning one by one from different cooking groups. Today I will share once such recipe - Pineapple Cream. The recipe needs only 3 ingredients and doesn't require either cooking or baking. Just mix the ingredients and let it rest for couple of hours. Yummy Pineapple cream is ready!! This one is so easy to make that it becomes perfect dessert for any small party. Whoever had this pineapple cream at my place, appreciated the taste and asked for the recipe. So let’s come to the recipe.

Recipe of Pineapple Cream : Serves - 5 

Ingredients :

Pineapple - 1 can ( crushed or chunk ) drained 

Sour Cream - 1/2 cup

Sweetened Condensed Milk - 1/2 cup

Method :

1. Take a large bowl, add pineapple, sour cream and condensed milk. Mix together well.

2. Refrigerate it for 1 hour. Pineapple Cream is ready, garnish with some dry fruits (optional) and serve cold!  

Note : you may use any fruits in the place of pineapple.



  1. Congrats on your 50th..Amazing.
    The pineapple cream is delicious, I'm sure it's hit.

  2. Congrats on your 50th post! Well done!

  3. I cant believe three ingredients could do wonders as a dessert. Amazing recipe Rumela !

    Such a nice space you have started with, glad to follow you :) See you around girl :)

  4. wonderful photography as usual. Dessert looks yummy too. Congrats on your 50th.

  5. Yumm! 1 pineapple can drained meaning to drain thé juice?

    1. Hi Aparna, if you use canned pineapple , drain the solution. ( in canned pineapple there is a syrup like solution along with pineapple, discard that) If you use fresh pineapple just crushed the pineapple gently.

  6. What can be use instead of sour cream?

  7. What can be use instead of sour cream?

    1. Add plain yogurt or Greek yogurt. If you are using plain yogurt, just strain the extra water from curd.
