Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Strawberry Cream Cheese Popsicles

Summer vacation is coming to an end! We have only few more days left to enjoy this relaxed, laid-back life and then return back to same old routine life. Before we become too depressed, let’s celebrate last few days of summer with its signature dessert. Ice-creams and summer are synonyms. Perhaps all of us still remember the flavors of the ice-creams we had in our school days and how it used to bring happiness after school hour. Even though they were cheap and not branded, those tastes will be alive in our mind forever.

The recipe that I came up with today is of a Popsicle which is more like an ice-cream, Strawberry Cream Cheese Popsicle. It’s creamy and very delicious one, just perfect for this summer! Though I had made this for my kid but from yesterday I, myself can't stop licking it☺ This Strawberry Cream Cheese Popsicles is a great alternative to Ice Cream who don't have any ice cream maker. Making popsicles is major fun and so easy that even a novice can make it. If you don't have Popsicle mold, no need to worry. You can use paper cup or take some glasses and pour the mixture into the same and then freeze. In terms of flavor, the options are endless. You can change the flavor as per your taste and choice. The cream cheese makes the popsicles so tasty and creates so satisfying consistency that you won’t get much iciness. Rather they are creamy and rich like ice-cream. I had some strawberries and left-over cream cheese at refrigerator from last week and was wondering what to make out of this. Then I started searching in net and liked this ice-cream inspired Popsicle recipe. And I must say it was a worth trying. The recipe is adopted from 'domestic fit'. Coming to the main part of the recipe: 

Recipe of Strawberry Cream Cheese Popscles : For 7 to 8 popsicles

Ingredients :

Cream Cheese - 8 ounces ( softened )

Sour Cream - 1/4 cup

Powdered Sugar - 3/4 cup or as per your taste

Fresh Strawberries ( chopped ) - 8 to 10 ( or you may use frozen ones too - 3/4 cup )

Whole Milk - 1/3 cup

Graham Crackers - 6 ( standard sized )

Butter ( melted ) - 1 tbsp.

Method :

1. In a food processor or in a blender add the graham crackers, process it until it becomes crumbs, add the melted butter into it. Mix it well and set the graham crackers mixture aside.

2. Add the cream cheese, sour cream, powdered sugar and milk in the food processor ( or in a blender ) run it until incorporated.

3. Add the strawberries, and again process it until it is well combined.

4. Pour the mixture into popsicle molds.( if you don't have popsicle molds use paper cups ). Leave the top of the molds empty around 1 inch for the crust.

5. Divide the crust evenly among the popsicles, press down gently. Insert popsicle sticks and freeze them for at least 6 hrs. You can freeze it up to 3 to 4 days. Enjoy your home-made Strawberry Cream Cheese Popsicles!!

Note : You can change the flavor as per your taste, add chocolate or another fruits in the place of strawberry.


  1. mouth watering! excellent photography as well as presentation! well done!

  2. Your pictures sure did cheer me up. August is always a bittersweet month...
    Love the popsicles.

  3. Amazing clicks.. Those popsicles are popping out of the screen.. Yumm!!

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