Friday, June 26, 2015

Mango Fruit Leather / Fruit Roll-Ups / Aam Shotto / Aam Papad

Few days back I saw a video on Facebook showing what all an Indian student would pack when he goes abroad first time. The list includes all popular Indian snacks and pickles. This made me nostalgic and reminds of my same habit. Whenever I returned back from home, never forgot to bring several packs of Aam Shotto. This might have been true for my other Indian friends, more likely if he or she is from Bengal. The Bengali people are so crazy about it that they even make Aam Shotto'r chatni with it. In rest of the India, it's known as Aam Papad. It is more like fruit leather or fruit roll-up that is made out of mango pulp and tastes sweet, soft and chewy. 

Fruit leather is nothing but a puree of fruit. It is thinly spread and sun dried or baked until it becomes dry. Then it is cut into pieces and wrapped in oiled paper or shaped into different form of packages. Sometimes it is preserved for a long time and can be consumed in off-season when mangoes are not available in market. 

In USA,  Fruit leather / Fruit roll-ups is a brand of fruit snack that is available in grocery stores here and very popular among kids. I have seen fruit roll-ups with different kinds of fruits but didn't see mango version of the same.

I had bookmarked some recipes of Aam Shotto a year back from Pinterest but didn't try until today. This week I had some overripe mangoes, so thought of giving it a try.  When I started to make Fruit leather on my own, thought it would be really a complex process. It turned out to be rather easier one.  Though this particular recipe is made with mangoes, you can use any other fruit or combination of fruits. You don't need to add artificial colors or flavors or preservatives. I can ensure nothing will go wrong and at the end, you will love the taste of this fruit leather. It would be far more healthier than what you will get in the market.

Recipe Of Homemade Mango Fruit Leather ( Aam Shotto ) : for 8 roll-ups 

Ingredients  :

Mangoes : 3 large ripe mangoes ( about 4 cups diced mangoes ) 

Method :

1. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees F . Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.

2. Add diced mangoes to a food processor or a blender and puree the mangoes until smooth. 

3. Divide the puree into the prepared pans. Take an offset spatula and spread it evenly. 

4. Bake the puree for about 4 to 5 hours or until they are fully dried. 

5. Remove from oven and peel off . Cut into long strips and roll in parchment paper.

6. Store in airtight container or freeze it. 

Notes : 

You can use store-bought mango pulp instead of fresh mangoes. 

The total baking time will vary on the thickness of your fruit roll-ups. 


  1. what do you mean by prepared pan...i see a white sheet under your pan.. is this parcment paper?

    1. yes that is parchment paper. prepared pan means the baking pan lined with parchment paper.

  2. It's 4 to 5 hours right? not minute :)

    1. Yes it's hours 😊 not minute 😂

  3. At what temperature should the oven be set at?

  4. Love the way the look...can't wait to try them for my kiddos in their lunchboxes! Happy feasting.
