Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Baked Gulab Jamuns in Rabri

Today I have come here with a delicious dessert recipe. I couldn’t do justice to this incredibly tasty dessert with the pictures. It’s much more delicious in reality than it looks in the pictures. As you can guess from the pictures, name of today’s recipe is Baked Gulab Jamun. I heard about this dish couple of years back while searching for fusion sweet recipes. 

Bengali sweet no longer means only syrupy rosogollas. Over the last decade, Calcutta’s renowned shops experimented with traditional taste, mixed with western concepts and introduced several fusion sweets to attract younger generation. Today's recipe is one of them. 

By now you must be very curious about how to make Baked Gulab Jamun in Rabri. Actually it’s very simple to make. To make this dessert you need some Rabri, obviously along with Gulab Jamuns. Then Gulab Jamuns are baked in conventional oven with spread of Rabri. It has got the touch burnt flavor but tastes delicious at the same time.
You can use ready-made canned Jamuns or make it fresh from scratch for this recipe. I made this dessert for a large crowd and didn’t have time for making fresh Gulab Jamuns. So I used the canned one but the outcome was equally good and didn’t fail to impress my guests. 
So if you are searching for a new dessert recipe with Gulab Jamuns, here you have one . 

Recipe of Baked Gulab Jamuns with Rabri , Serves : 6

Ingredients :

Gullab Jamuns : 20 pieces
Milk : 2 litres
Sugar : 1/3 cup or to taste 

Cardamom : 3-4 , crushed 
Khoya : 2-3 tbsp (optional )

Method :

1. Gently drain the syrup as much as possible from Gulab Jamuns and place it on a baking dish. Add 1 and 1/2 cups of water to it. Put it in the microwave and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Once done, again carefully drain the water. Keep the Jamuns aside.  

2. Heat 2 liters milk in a heavy bottom pan on medium to low flame. Stir continuously to prevent it from burning at the bottom. The milk will start to thicken. Continue to stir till it becomes thick and creamy. Add sugar and crushed cardamoms and stir it to mix. Once the milk is thick and the quantity becomes little less than half of actual quantity of milk, turn off the stove. Rabri is ready. 

3.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees For 200 degrees C. Take a baking dish, arrange the Gulab Jamuns and spread the Rabri /  milk mixture over it. Sprinkle crumbled Khoya over the mixture ( if you are using Khoya )  and bake it until the top starts to brown. Baked Gulab Jamuns are ready to serve. Serve it warm. 

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