Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Crème Brûlée Ice Cream

Sometimes new recipes are born out of necessity. In this case, the need was to use up a big bowl of unused egg yolks. In some baking process, I had to use only the white part of the eggs and so extra egg yolks were left over. So I started searching on the net about how to make use of the almost dozen egg yolks left in my fridge. Then I came across this interesting recipe of Cream Brulee Ice Cream, a custard-flavored ice cream based on the timeless French dessert. 

It’s been a month I posted the picture of this Ice Cream. Then a couple of my friends requested for the recipe and finally today, I got some time to write down the recipe. Making a creme Brulee ice cream is not complicated and you need only four or five ingredients. Only tricky thing is to make it smooth silk like custard. This is no-churn ice cream, meaning that you don't need any ice cream maker either. Once the custard is done, there are two ways to add the burnt sugar. If you have a kitchen torch, add sugar over the frozen ice cream and caramelize the sugar using the torch. As I had no torch, I ended up caramelizing sugar separately and pouring it onto a lined baking sheet and broke the hard caramel into small pieces.  Then I sprinkled it over the top of the ice cream before serving.

On the top crunchy caramelized sugar and underneath the rich creamy ice cream. Wow, it's totally worth every single scoop. Enjoy the summer with this home-made version of Cream Brulee Ice Cream.

Recipe of Creme Brulee Ice Cream: serves 3


Egg yolks: 5 
Sugar: little less than half cup
Heavy Cream: 1 cup
Whole Milk: 1/2 cup
Pure Vanilla extract: 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract) 

For topping:

Sugar: 3/4 cup 
Cold water: 2 tablespoons 


1. Whisk egg yolk in a bowl until smooth. Add sugar to it mix it well until thick. 

2. In a saucepan, pour the whole milk. Slowly bring up to the boiling point. But don't boil it. Pour the milk into the mixture of egg yolk and sugar. 

3. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan. Heat gently, stirring until the custard thickens. But don't bring to the boil. It will curdle. When you see the thin layer is forming on the back of the spoon remove it from the heat. 

4. Let it cool down. Now stir in the cream. Add the vanilla extract. 

5. Transfer the custard to a chilled bowl and refrigerate the mix for overnight. 

6. Now remove it from the refrigerator and whisk the mixture again. 

7. Transfer the mixture to an airtight container and freeze it until firms about 4 hours or overnight. 

For the crunchy caramelized topping:

Place the sugar and water into a saucepan over a medium heat. Stir it continuously until it brings to the boil. Once the mixture turns golden brown. Pour slowly on a prepared baking tray lined with foil. Leave it to cool. Once it comes at the room temperature break up into small pieces. Sprinkle over the top of the ice cream and serve. 

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